Friday, December 9, 2011

Mundane vs. Magnificence

It's no far leap to accept that almost everything we touch and use these days, in and around the house or workplace, had to be designed by someone at some point. That said, it's a rare and special moment when one of these conventional items crosses the line from being solely "functional" to "exquisite."

We know this line well. It's a line that separates the "run-of-the-mill" from the more inspired, "work-of-art." And we're working to blur this line with each new shoe style we create with our chefs. We actually get a kick out of seeing how far we can push the limit--blending the functional with the fashionable. So it makes it very easy to identify when someone else is working to blur this same line as well.

The Deglon Meeting Knife Set

Is it possible that there's an area in your profession where mundane can become magnificent? Tell us about it.

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